Saturday, July 30, 2011

Assassins Creed 3 : Who Will Rise ?

Assassins Creed is a modern day classic no matter which way you look at this awesomely crafted game. The series is best known for its agile combat, easy to use platforming, free roaming sand box gameplay, Hidden blade assassination and most of all its story about coolest assassins from many ages.  it’s a game that blew millions of gamers mind both gameplay wise and story wise. Assassins Creed 2 + Brotherhood did the same by improving upon its successor in every way possible. We have followed Altair, Ezio, Desmond the 3 great assassins in these games. As for now, Assassins creed Revelation going to be the end of Ezio’s story by revealing the unsolved mysteries from the series so far.

Assassin moves with style

The AC series was meant to be a trilogy, So Assassins creed 3 going to be the last of the AC games. All the Assassin creed games hinted about many assassins in many ages. Assassins were found on every major civilization in the history of man. They went from Aztec civilization to Egyptian civ to Persian to Indian civilization. So the burning question is, After Ezio who is going to lead the creed?

Will this be in the game?

There were rumors that the Assassins creed will be set in the World War 2 era. But ubisoft denied that statement and said that AC3 won’t be set in WW2.  And they also said that Desmond going to play a more major focused role in that game as he will be trying to find ways to save the world in 2012 apocalypse. But whereabouts of the playable ancestor yet remains unclear by the official.

Hero under the hood is yet to reveal

So what’s your thought about the next and final installment of this series? Who you want to see as the next Ezio and what civilization may be the coolest setting for this game. And what new weapon, hidden blade feature and stuff you want to see?  Express and stay tuned.
Game out Loud.
Whats next? Assassin with a gun?

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